District Profile

About the District

Satna district is situated in the Vindhyachal Plateau of Madhya Pradesh State, blessed with beauties of nature and enjoys prominent position in the history and culture of the Madhya pradesh state due to its religious places Chitrakoot and Mahair.The district is located in between the Vindhyachal and Satpura range of hills. The district is having the boundaries of Banda district of Uttar Pradesh State in North, Rewa and Sidhi districts in the east, Panna district in the west and Jabalpur and Umaria districts in the south. The district is located in between 23.58 degree North Latitude to 25.12 degree North Latitude and 80.21 degree East Longitude to 81.23 East Longitude. The District is situated about 305 meters above the mean sea level. The district takes name from Satna, the head quarters town, which is in turn takes it’s from Satna River which flows near the town. Satna district consists of Six Sub Divisions, Ten Tehsils, Four Hundred Thirty Eight Patwar Circle, Seven Hundred Three Panchayat Samities, One Nagar Nigam, One Nagar Palika, Nine Nagar Panchayat, Seven Hundred Three Gram Panchayats, Eighteen Hundred Sixteen Revenue village and Seven Assembly Area. Average temperatre is ranging from 05 degree Celsius to 47.8 degree Celsius in the district.

Annual rainfall is about 1100.3 mm and Red Soil, Light Black, Alluvium and gravelly Soils are the predominant soil types available in the district. Rivers are not perennial in nature well, ponds, canals and tube wells are main source of irrigation in the district. The total area of the district is 7.42 sq km.  As per 2011 Census total population of the district is 22.29 lakhs. There are total 10 tehsils in the district with total 1,816 villages.  The urban population is 4.74 lakhs (21.28%).  The rural population is 17.54 lakhs which is 78.72 % of the total population.  The literacy percentage is 73.8 %. Satna district forms a part of the Kymore Plateau and Satpura hills zone of Madhya Pradesh characterized by undulated topography.


1. Name of the District Satna
  Agro ecological Sub Region ICAR) Zone VII, Semi arid Lava Plateau and Central Highlands
  Agro-climatic zone(Planning)            Central Plateau and Hill region
  Agro-climatic zone(Planning M.P.) Kaymore Plateau and Satpura Hills
2. Geographical Location  
  Latitude 230 58’ to 250 12’ N
  Longitute 800 20’ to 810 23’ E
  Altitude from MSL  317 m
  Geographical Boundry  
  North Banda & Chitrakoot District
  South Katni
  East Rewa District of MP
  West Panna
  Total Geographical Area 7, 42,432 ha.
  Soil Type Mixed red and Black soils
  Climate Sub humid climate
  Average Annual Rainfall 1100.30 mm
  Temperature Maximum temp. –  48.30C, Minimum temp. –  1.40C.
  Relative Humidity Max  Average-99.42 (January), Min Average –   9.22 (May)
  Important Rivers Mandakini, Tamas, Satna,
  No. of Tehsil 10
  No. of Blocks 08
  No. of Panchayats 703
  No. of Villages 1816
  Total Population 22,28,935
  Male 11,57,495
  Female 10,71,440
  Rural Population 17,54,517 (78.72%)
  Urban Population 4,74,418 (21.28%)
  Schedule Tribe 2.68 lakhs (14.33 %)
  Schedule Caste 3.04 lakhs (16.26%)
  Average Literacy Percentage 72.26
  Male Literacy 81.37
  Female Literacy 62.45
  GDP of Satna District 4253 Crores
  Per Capita Income(INR) 24,709