Soil Testing Lab
- For recommendations of proper doses of fertilizers in different crops based on soil testing report for recommendations of proper doses of fertilizers in different crops based on soil testing report
Bio Pesticide Production Lab
- Preparation of different formulations of plant based pesticides and testing their efficacy in management of various insect pests.
High Tech Nursery
- For production and supply of Quality planting material to farmers.
Vemicomposting Unit
- For promotion of organic farming and improving soil health
Sirohi Goatary Unit
- For promoting goat rearing as an livelihood enterprise amidst landless and marginal farm families and breed up gradation of local breeds
Dairy Unit
- Upgradation of un-descripted local breeds practical training and demonstration on dairy management.
Azolla Unit
Azolla is a supplementary feed, and is a good source of protein (25-35%), minerals (10-15%) & amino acids for livestock.
- With a view to popularise the use of azolla due to its nutritive value , a 20′ x 20′ demonstration cum production unit has been developed by the KVK.
Poultry Hatchery Unit
- Distribution of good quality chicks to the beneficiaries
Hydroponic Unit
KVK has developed a hydroponics green fodder production unit as a demonstration unit for livestock rearing.
The green fodder is grown is of Maize and Wheat.
Poultry Unit
- For imparting essential skills on poultry rearing.
Mushroom Unit:
- For promotion of mushroom cultivation as an income and employment generating enterprise in rural youths
Spice Grinding Unit
- Encouraging rural youths to setup his own small income generating Spice grinding unit at village level (grinding of turmeric, coriander, fenugreek and chilli produced by the farmers)
Community Seed Bank
- Conservation of Farmers varieties and organizing PVS and crowd sourcing trials for for selecting the superior varieties