Sh. Abhay Mahajan was born on 9th January, 1963 at Chapara, Dist. Seoni (M.P.). He did his Post Graduation in Agriculture. Since his school and college days he took part in multifarious co-curricular activities. He became the member of student organization ‘Akhil Bhartiya Vidyarthi Parishad’ and rose to become the Secretary and then Prewsident of Central Province. He joined Madhya Pradesh State Agriculture Service as District Agriculture Officer. But destiny had something else in store for him. He left this coveted Government job to dedicate himself for the greater cause of the Society and the Nation. That was the turning point in his life. He chose to remain single and became full time member of Rastriya Swamsewak Sangh. Seeing his organizational capabilities he had been given the responsibility of State Coordinator of Swadeshi Jagran Manch. This responsibility he shouldered from 1997 to 2001 till great Social reformer and noted social activist Bharat Ratna Rasthrarishi Nanaji Deshmukh noticed the talent and abounded energy of Sh. Mahajan and gave him the responsibility of Organizing Secretary of Deendayal Research Institute to carry forward his mission & vision of strong and prosperous India through Reconstruction of Indian Society keeping with the times which he has been carrying very ably till today.
Experience in diverse field has grown him to become an able administrator and leader, who is ready to take responsibility and believes in team spirit. He is always open to new ideas and innovations and inspires the volunteers to give their best. He strongly believes and professes the philosophy of “Integral Humanism” propounded by Pt. Deendayal Upadhyay and propagated by Bharat Ratna Rashtrarishi Nanaji Deshmukh, which says that root of Nation development is in Villages. If the Villages of India become prosperous and self-reliant than only Nation will become prosperous and strong. He also believes in social harmony and comity amongst all castes, creeds and religions. With the message of Self reliance and harmony he undertook two Padyatyas (Foot Marches). One in Chitrakoot , he undertook ‘Gram Suraj Padyatra” covering 535 kilometer of distance and 296 village habitats in year 2008-09. He undertook another “Tharu Gram Swabhilamban and Swabhiman Padyatra” covering 170 kilometers and 54 villages inhabited by Tharu tribe in district Balrampur of U.P.
His talent and wide experience got recognition at State and National Level. He has been the member of various bodies of State and National level. He is an authority on the issues of Rural Development, Sustainable Livelihood, Water conservation and Watershed Management.
A very good team player with excellent interpersonal skills, Sh. Abhay Mahajan’s areas of special interest is Human Resource Development and Institution building in the field of Social development. A believer in total transparency, self-reliance and sustainability He was one of the instrumentals, who led D.R.I. to adopt ‘Quality Management System’ and knowledge management system. Deendayal Research Institute is only one of its kind in the world to get ISO 9001:2015 for its ‘Self-Reliance’ Model of Rural Development which aims at bringing about total transformation and holistic development of society through designing and implementing a framework which could achieve a sustainable self-reliance in villages, through people’s initiative and participation, with replicable, definable and tangible parameters.
He is associated with Deendayal Research Institute since 2001 and for the last 14 years he is working as Organizing Secretary of the Institute, founded by Bharat Ratna Rashtrarishi Nanaji Deshmukh. Shri Abhay Mahajan and his team is striving hard to develop a sustainable and replicable model of Village development in the name of self-reliance campaign with the goals of wiping out poverty, unemployment & illiteracy, ensuring life-long health, creating a dispute free society and creating a clean & green environment. He and his team is also working on promotion and conservation of traditional knowledge, promotion of Research in Ayurveda, Yoga & Neuropathy, Rural Entrepreneurship Development for self employment, propagation & conservation of Indigenous breeds of cattle particularly cow , promotion of sustainable Agriculture, organic farming.
He also has great interest in classical Indian music. He has senior Diploma in classical music and Prabhakar in Tabla vadan from Prayag Sangeet Samiti, Allahabad. In his leisure time, which he scantly has, he loves to play Tabla.
Shri Abhay Mahajan has been invited by various bodies of State and central Govt., Social & Cultural organizations, Research Institutions and Universities as a key Resource person.
Social Science and Rural Development.
Entrepreneurship Development.
Dispute free Society
Agriculture Development.
Ayurveda, Yoga and Naturopathy.
Herbal Medicinal Plants.
Health & Nutrition.
Tribal Development.
Animal Breed improvement & Conservation.
Water Conservation: watershed Development.
Environment Conservation etc.